Hebrew Names of God

Elah and Elah Constructs as given in the Tanakh

Elah - Awesome, Fearful One


The origin of the Aramaic word Elah is somewhat uncertain, though it might be related to a root meaning "fear" or "reverence."  It is found only in the books of Ezra and Daniel. Notice the Mappiq in the final Hey for this Name: e-laH.

Elah and Constructs
For each name in the list below, I provide the following information:

  1. The Hebrew text for the name
  2. The most common English transliteration (in italics)
  3. A definition for the name, references to the Tanakh, and frequency information
  4. Additional comments, if applicable.



Elah. [basic form]
Aramaic. Name for God as Awesome One.
Reference: Deut. 32:15; 2 Chr. 32:15; Neh. 9:17; Ezr. 5:1, 11; 6:14; 7:12, 19, 21, 23; Dan. 2:18, 23, 28, 37, 44f, 47; 3:15, 28f; 6:8, 13. Note that the term Allah is a "borrowed" term from the word Elah (×להּ), though of course Hebrew monotheism predates the rise of Islam by several thousands of years...

God of my Fathers


Elah Avahati. [basic form]
God of my fathers (Dan. 2:23).

God of gods


Elah Elahin.
God of gods (Dan. 2:47).

God of Jerusalem


Elah Yerushelem.
God of Jerusalem (Ezra 7:19).

The God of Israel


Elah Yisrael.
God of Israel (Ez. 5:1).

God of Heaven


Elah Shemaiya.
God of Heaven (Ezra 7:23).

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Copyright John J. Parsons
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